Highschool Senior Saves To Buy His Buddy Electric Wheelchair

A senior, Tanner Wilson, from Caddo High School (Caddo, Oklahoma) saved for two years to buy his best buddy Brandon Qualls an electric wheel chair. Brandon was dealing with a lot of exhaustion from manually pushing his wheel chair up and down the hallways in between classes and Tanner noticed he was having a hard time. So, he spent a couple years working at a part time gig as an auto mechanic to save up enough money to be able to make an electric wheelchair happen for his friend.

Tanner said “He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor,” Tanner said. “I just felt like I needed to do it. … Brandon, he’s just always been there for me.”

Teacher Kathy Baker told KARK.com that this sort of behavior isn’t new for Tanner. “He loves to do for others,” Baker said. “He is just a great young man.” Tanner simply wishes “people would care more about others, than just themselves.”

See guys, even this Highschooler can tell ya, it’s all about love and support. Incredibly awesome. Hats off to Tanner. Good job, man.

See the full article over at CNN. Have a great day everybody!


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