Daily Update # 132: Today marks my 13th year of being a Paraplegic

Spinal Cord Injury Motorcycle Crash 2008

Today marks my 13th year being a paraplegic. August 10th, 2008, 8 days after my 21st birthday, I was hit on my motorcycle by a driver crossing over a solid double yellow lane on a two way road.

It’s crazy to think it’s been 13 years. I’m hopeful that it’s not all in vain and that the information I’m putting up on my website and the posts I put out on social media are helpful to others going through a trauma or a difficult time.

I learned that the most basic human instinct is to love and to be loved. That no matter the role that we play during the day, that whether we are aware of it or not, that this is what it boils down to. Human connection. I also learned that pain and suffering amounts to spiritual currency. With this currency we can redirect our life’s compass into a new, richer direction than we would have otherwise been able to reach without those unfortunate experiences. There’s a perspective we can always gain in looking deeper into ourselves that is wildly invaluable.

At the end of the day, it’s all about love and having the confidence and strength to embrace it.

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